Van planten en slakken / Of Plants and Snails

A collection of papers presented to Wim Kuijper in gratitude for forty years of teaching and identifying

Edited by Corrie Bakels, Kelly Fennema, Welmoed A. Out & Caroline Vermeeren | 2010

Van planten en slakken / Of Plants and Snails

A collection of papers presented to Wim Kuijper in gratitude for forty years of teaching and identifying

Edited by Corrie Bakels, Kelly Fennema, Welmoed A. Out & Caroline Vermeeren | 2010

Paperback ISBN: 9789088900518 | Imprint: Sidestone Press | Format: 182x257mm | 282 pp. | Festschrift, Leiden University | Language: Various | 40 illus. (bw) | 88 illus. (fc) | Keywords: archaeology, archaeobotany, pollen analysis, shells, mollusks, vegetation history | download cover | DOI: 10.59641/b1f3504d

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Dit boek bevat vierentwintig wetenschappelijke artikelen over planten en mollusken, geschreven door achtendertig collega’s en oudleerlingen van Wim Kuijper. Het merendeel van deze artikelen behandelt één of enkele soorten gevonden bij archeologische opgravingen, van bolderik via Glycymeris-schelpen tot vergeet-me-niet. Als medewerker van de Faculteit der Archeologie van de Universiteit Leiden heeft Wim met veel enthousiasme en succes veertig jaar lang studenten begeleid en collega’s van advies gediend op het gebied van plantenen molluskenresten. Zij zijn hem daarvoor dankbaar en deze bundel is daarvan het resultaat.

Het boek bevat artikelen in het Nederlands en Engels. Nederlandse bijdragen zijn voorzien van een samenvatting in het Engels en vice versa. De bijschriften van de afbeeldingen zijn tweetalig.

This book contains twenty-four scientific articles on plants and molluscs written by thirty-eight colleagues and former students of Wim Kuijper. The majority of these articles deals with one or a few species found on archaeological excavations, from corncockle via Glycymeris shells to forget-me-nots. As employee of the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University, for forty years and with great enthusiasm and success Wim has supervised students and advised colleagues in the fields of plant and mollusc remains. They are very grateful for this help and this compilation is the result.

The book contains contributions in both English and Dutch, with a summary in the opposite language. All captions to the figures are bilingual.

Dr. Welmoed A. Out

After studying Biology, Welmoed Out completed a thesis in Archaeology about plant exploitation and the introduction of arable farming in Dutch wetlands during 5500-3400 cal BC. She gained further experience in Archaeobotany in both academic and commercial settings. During 2011-213, she works as a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher in Archaeobotany on the identification of non-dietary cereal products by phytolith analysis.

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Drs. Caroline Vermeeren

Caroline Vermeeren graduated in 1986 as biologist at Leiden University, specializing in archaeobotany and palynology. She works at BIAX Consult and she gives guest lectures in archaeobotany at Leiden University and Amsterdam University. Current research by Caroline includes palaeo-ecology as well. Current research by Caroline includes macro- and micro fossils and she specializes in the analysis of wood.

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Kelly Fennema

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Prof. dr. Corrie Bakels

Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels has held the chair in palaeoeconomy at Leiden University, the Netherlands, since 1988. Her specialisations are prehistoric and early historic agriculture, archaeobotany and vegetation history. She graduated in 1978 on an analysis of early farming societies in the Netherlands and Bavaria, Germany. Since then she has participated in many archaeological projects in Western Continental Europe. A synthesis of her work on the agrarian history of the Western European loess belt, 5300 BC – AD 1000 has appeared in 2009.

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Dit boek bevat vierentwintig wetenschappelijke artikelen over planten en mollusken, geschreven door achtendertig collega’s en oudleerlingen van Wim Kuijper. Het merendeel van deze artikelen behandelt één of enkele soorten gevonden bij archeologische opgravingen, van bolderik via Glycymeris-schelpen tot vergeet-me-niet. Als medewerker van de Faculteit der Archeologie van de Universiteit Leiden heeft Wim met veel enthousiasme en succes veertig jaar lang studenten begeleid en collega’s van advies gediend op het gebied van plantenen molluskenresten. Zij zijn hem daarvoor dankbaar en deze bundel is daarvan het resultaat.

Het boek bevat artikelen in het Nederlands en Engels. Nederlandse bijdragen zijn voorzien van een samenvatting in het Engels en vice versa. De bijschriften van de afbeeldingen zijn tweetalig.

This book contains twenty-four scientific articles on plants and molluscs written by thirty-eight colleagues and former students of Wim Kuijper. The majority of these articles deals with one or a few species found on archaeological excavations, from corncockle via Glycymeris shells to forget-me-nots. As employee of the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University, for forty years and with great enthusiasm and success Wim has supervised students and advised colleagues in the fields of plant and mollusc remains. They are very grateful for this help and this compilation is the result.

The book contains contributions in both English and Dutch, with a summary in the opposite language. All captions to the figures are bilingual.

Dr. Welmoed A. Out

After studying Biology, Welmoed Out completed a thesis in Archaeology about plant exploitation and the introduction of arable farming in Dutch wetlands during 5500-3400 cal BC. She gained further experience in Archaeobotany in both academic and commercial settings. During 2011-213, she works as a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher in Archaeobotany on the identification of non-dietary cereal products by phytolith analysis.

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Drs. Caroline Vermeeren

Caroline Vermeeren graduated in 1986 as biologist at Leiden University, specializing in archaeobotany and palynology. She works at BIAX Consult and she gives guest lectures in archaeobotany at Leiden University and Amsterdam University. Current research by Caroline includes palaeo-ecology as well. Current research by Caroline includes macro- and micro fossils and she specializes in the analysis of wood.

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Kelly Fennema

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Prof. dr. Corrie Bakels

Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels has held the chair in palaeoeconomy at Leiden University, the Netherlands, since 1988. Her specialisations are prehistoric and early historic agriculture, archaeobotany and vegetation history. She graduated in 1978 on an analysis of early farming societies in the Netherlands and Bavaria, Germany. Since then she has participated in many archaeological projects in Western Continental Europe. A synthesis of her work on the agrarian history of the Western European loess belt, 5300 BC – AD 1000 has appeared in 2009.

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