Navigating with White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys

Primate Behavioral Ecology and Spatial Cognition in a Mesoamerican Rainforest

Bernardo Urbani | 2023

This monograph examines a set of questions concerning human and nonhuman primate cognition, spatial memory, foraging behavior, and the ability of monkeys to form mental maps of the location and distribution of feeding and resting…

Black shank of tobacco in the former Dutch East Indies, caused by Phytophthora nicotianae

Original papers by Jacob van Breda de Haan, 1895 and Thung Tjeng Hiang, 1931 & 1938

Introduction, translation and discussion Jan C. Zadoks | 2014

Jacob van Breda de Haan is known as the author of the name Phytophthora nicotianae n.sp., the causal agent of ‘black shank’, an important disease of tobacco. Who was he? Where did he work? What…

Animals in Saxon and Scandinavian England

Backbones of Economy and Society

Matilda Holmes | 2014

In this book an analysis of over 300 animal bone assemblages from English Saxon and Scandinavian sites is presented. The data set is summarised in extensive tables for use as comparanda for future archaeozoological studies.…

Crop Protection in Medieval Agriculture

Studies in pre-modern organic agriculture

Jan C. Zadoks | 2013

Mediterranean and West European pre-modern agriculture (agriculture before 1600) was by necessity ‘organic agriculture’. Crop protection is part and parcel of this agriculture, with weed control in the forefront. Crop protection is embedded in the…

Barely Surviving or More than Enough?

The environmental archaeology of subsistence, specialisation and surplus food production

Edited by Maaike Groot, Daphne Lentjes & Jørn Zeiler | 2013

How people produced or acquired their food in the past is one of the main questions in archaeology. Everyone needs food to survive, so the ways in which people managed to acquire it forms the…

Van planten en slakken / Of Plants and Snails

A collection of papers presented to Wim Kuijper in gratitude for forty years of teaching and identifying

Edited by Corrie Bakels, Kelly Fennema, Welmoed A. Out & Caroline Vermeeren | 2010

Dit boek bevat vierentwintig wetenschappelijke artikelen over planten en mollusken, geschreven door achtendertig collega’s en oudleerlingen van Wim Kuijper. Het merendeel van deze artikelen behandelt één of enkele soorten gevonden bij archeologische opgravingen, van bolderik…

Navigating with White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys

Primate Behavioral Ecology and Spatial Cognition in a Mesoamerican Rainforest

Bernardo Urbani | 2023

This monograph examines a set of questions concerning human and nonhuman primate cognition, spatial memory, foraging behavior, and the ability of monkeys to form mental maps of the location and distribution of feeding and resting…

Black shank of tobacco in the former Dutch East Indies, caused by Phytophthora nicotianae

Original papers by Jacob van Breda de Haan, 1895 and Thung Tjeng Hiang, 1931 & 1938

Introduction, translation and discussion Jan C. Zadoks | 2014

Jacob van Breda de Haan is known as the author of the name Phytophthora nicotianae n.sp., the causal agent of ‘black shank’, an important disease of tobacco. Who was he? Where did he work? What…

Animals in Saxon and Scandinavian England

Backbones of Economy and Society

Matilda Holmes | 2014

In this book an analysis of over 300 animal bone assemblages from English Saxon and Scandinavian sites is presented. The data set is summarised in extensive tables for use as comparanda for future archaeozoological studies.…

Crop Protection in Medieval Agriculture

Studies in pre-modern organic agriculture

Jan C. Zadoks | 2013

Mediterranean and West European pre-modern agriculture (agriculture before 1600) was by necessity ‘organic agriculture’. Crop protection is part and parcel of this agriculture, with weed control in the forefront. Crop protection is embedded in the…

Barely Surviving or More than Enough?

The environmental archaeology of subsistence, specialisation and surplus food production

Edited by Maaike Groot, Daphne Lentjes & Jørn Zeiler | 2013

How people produced or acquired their food in the past is one of the main questions in archaeology. Everyone needs food to survive, so the ways in which people managed to acquire it forms the…

Van planten en slakken / Of Plants and Snails

A collection of papers presented to Wim Kuijper in gratitude for forty years of teaching and identifying

Edited by Corrie Bakels, Kelly Fennema, Welmoed A. Out & Caroline Vermeeren | 2010

Dit boek bevat vierentwintig wetenschappelijke artikelen over planten en mollusken, geschreven door achtendertig collega’s en oudleerlingen van Wim Kuijper. Het merendeel van deze artikelen behandelt één of enkele soorten gevonden bij archeologische opgravingen, van bolderik…

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