Megalithic monuments and social structures

Comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies

Maria Wunderlich | 2019

Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric…

How's Life?

Living Conditions in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BCE

Edited by Marta Dal Corso, Wiebke Kirleis, Jutta Kneisel, Nicole Taylor, Magdalena Wieckowska-Lüth, Marco Zanon | 2019

The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age saw many developments in metalworking, social structure, food production, nutrition, and diet. At the same time, networks in Europe intensified and human impact on the environment changed in…


The Social Dimension of Technology and Transformation

Edited by Sławomir Kadrow & Johannes Müller | 2019

The problem of the social dimension of technology and transformation seen in the perspective of the habitus has been repeatedly undertaken in various works. However, the complexity of these phenomena causes subsequent attempts to be…

Embracing Bell Beaker

Adopting new ideas and objects across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC (c. 2600-2000 BC)

Jos Kleijne | 2019

This book deals with the question how communities across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC adopt and transform the Bell Beaker phenomenon differently. By looking at these processes of change from the perspective of…

Das Jungneolithikum in Schleswig-Holstein

Sebastian Schultrich | 2018

Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Studie zum Jungneolithikum (JN, auch Einzelgrabkultur, ca. 2850 – 2250 v. Chr.) in Schleswig-Holstein. Neben einer detaillierten Darstellung aller Funde und Befunde dieser Epoche, liegt ein besonderer Fokus auf Analysen…

From Ros to Prut (volume 1)

Transformations of Trypillia settlements

Edited by Robert Hofmann, Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Vitalii Rud, Stanislav Ţerna†, Mykhailo Videiko | Forthcoming

Pre-dating the urban revolution in Western Asia, a network of agricultural settlements developed in the forest-steppe zone northwest of the Black Sea in the late 5th and first half of the 4th millennium BCE, some…

Gesellschaft und Monumentalität zwischen Nordatlantik und Ostsee 4500–1800 v. Chr.

Johanna Brinkmann | Forthcoming

Kurz vor 4000 v. Chr. erreicht der Neolithisierungsprozess mit den Britischen Inseln und dem westlichen Ostseeraum den Norden Europas. Die Einführung der neuen Subsistenzweise bringt tiefgreifende Veränderungen, zu denen mit einer gewissen zeitlichen Verzögerung auch…

Search results for Scales of Transformation:

Megalithic monuments and social structures

Comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies

Maria Wunderlich | 2019

Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric…

How's Life?

Living Conditions in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BCE

Edited by Marta Dal Corso, Wiebke Kirleis, Jutta Kneisel, Nicole Taylor, Magdalena Wieckowska-Lüth, Marco Zanon | 2019

The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age saw many developments in metalworking, social structure, food production, nutrition, and diet. At the same time, networks in Europe intensified and human impact on the environment changed in…


The Social Dimension of Technology and Transformation

Edited by Sławomir Kadrow & Johannes Müller | 2019

The problem of the social dimension of technology and transformation seen in the perspective of the habitus has been repeatedly undertaken in various works. However, the complexity of these phenomena causes subsequent attempts to be…

Embracing Bell Beaker

Adopting new ideas and objects across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC (c. 2600-2000 BC)

Jos Kleijne | 2019

This book deals with the question how communities across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC adopt and transform the Bell Beaker phenomenon differently. By looking at these processes of change from the perspective of…

Das Jungneolithikum in Schleswig-Holstein

Sebastian Schultrich | 2018

Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Studie zum Jungneolithikum (JN, auch Einzelgrabkultur, ca. 2850 – 2250 v. Chr.) in Schleswig-Holstein. Neben einer detaillierten Darstellung aller Funde und Befunde dieser Epoche, liegt ein besonderer Fokus auf Analysen…

From Ros to Prut (volume 1)

Transformations of Trypillia settlements

Edited by Robert Hofmann, Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Vitalii Rud, Stanislav Ţerna†, Mykhailo Videiko | Forthcoming

Pre-dating the urban revolution in Western Asia, a network of agricultural settlements developed in the forest-steppe zone northwest of the Black Sea in the late 5th and first half of the 4th millennium BCE, some…

Gesellschaft und Monumentalität zwischen Nordatlantik und Ostsee 4500–1800 v. Chr.

Johanna Brinkmann | Forthcoming

Kurz vor 4000 v. Chr. erreicht der Neolithisierungsprozess mit den Britischen Inseln und dem westlichen Ostseeraum den Norden Europas. Die Einführung der neuen Subsistenzweise bringt tiefgreifende Veränderungen, zu denen mit einer gewissen zeitlichen Verzögerung auch…

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