Environmental humanities: a rethinking of landscape archaeology?

Interdisciplinary academic research related to different perspectives of landscapes

Edited by S.J. Kluiving, K. Liden, C. Fredengren | 2021

There has been an increasing archaeological interest in human-animal-nature relations, where archaeology has shifted from a focus on deciphering meaning, or understanding symbols and the social construction of the landscape to an acknowledgement of how…

Unhinging the National Framework

Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing

Edited by Babs Boter, Marleen Rensen & Giles Scott-Smith | 2020

This book focuses on the 20th century lives of men and women whose life-work and life experiences transgressed and surpassed the national boundaries that existed or emerged in the 20th century. The chapters explore how…

Reframing Luchino Visconti

Film and Art

Ivo Blom | 2018

Reframing Luchino Visconti: Film and Art gives new and unique insights into the roots of the visual vocabulary of one of Italy’s most reputed film authors. It meticulously researches Visconti’s appropriation of European art in…

Treasures in Trusted Hands

Negotiating the Future of Colonial Cultural Objects

Jos van Beurden | 2017

This pioneering study charts the one-way traffic of cultural and historical objects during five centuries of European colonialism. It presents abundant examples of disappeared colonial objects and systematises these into war booty, confiscations by missionaries…

Interdisciplinarity between Humanities and Science

A Festschrift in honour of Prof. Dr. Henk Kars

Edited by Sjoerd Kluiving, Lisette Kootker & Rita Hermans | 2017

Henk Kars was appointed as first Chair of Archaeometry in The Netherlands in 1994. From 2002 he was full time professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, interim Director of CLUE, and founder and Managing Director…

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie

Een nieuwe kijk op de geschiedenis en het erfgoed van landschappen

Edited by Jan Kolen, Hanneke Ronnes & Rita Hermans | 2015

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie is een bloemlezing van de beste essays van de afgelopen zeven jaar uit de populaire master cursus ‘Biografie van het Landschap’, verzorgd door de Vrije Universiteit in samenwerking met…

Search results for CLUES-series:

Environmental humanities: a rethinking of landscape archaeology?

Interdisciplinary academic research related to different perspectives of landscapes

Edited by S.J. Kluiving, K. Liden, C. Fredengren | 2021

There has been an increasing archaeological interest in human-animal-nature relations, where archaeology has shifted from a focus on deciphering meaning, or understanding symbols and the social construction of the landscape to an acknowledgement of how…

Unhinging the National Framework

Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing

Edited by Babs Boter, Marleen Rensen & Giles Scott-Smith | 2020

This book focuses on the 20th century lives of men and women whose life-work and life experiences transgressed and surpassed the national boundaries that existed or emerged in the 20th century. The chapters explore how…

Reframing Luchino Visconti

Film and Art

Ivo Blom | 2018

Reframing Luchino Visconti: Film and Art gives new and unique insights into the roots of the visual vocabulary of one of Italy’s most reputed film authors. It meticulously researches Visconti’s appropriation of European art in…

Treasures in Trusted Hands

Negotiating the Future of Colonial Cultural Objects

Jos van Beurden | 2017

This pioneering study charts the one-way traffic of cultural and historical objects during five centuries of European colonialism. It presents abundant examples of disappeared colonial objects and systematises these into war booty, confiscations by missionaries…

Interdisciplinarity between Humanities and Science

A Festschrift in honour of Prof. Dr. Henk Kars

Edited by Sjoerd Kluiving, Lisette Kootker & Rita Hermans | 2017

Henk Kars was appointed as first Chair of Archaeometry in The Netherlands in 1994. From 2002 he was full time professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, interim Director of CLUE, and founder and Managing Director…

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie

Een nieuwe kijk op de geschiedenis en het erfgoed van landschappen

Edited by Jan Kolen, Hanneke Ronnes & Rita Hermans | 2015

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie is een bloemlezing van de beste essays van de afgelopen zeven jaar uit de populaire master cursus ‘Biografie van het Landschap’, verzorgd door de Vrije Universiteit in samenwerking met…

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