The Coffins of the Priests of Amun

Egyptian coffins from the 21st Dynasty in the collection of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden

Edited by Lara Weiss | 2017

Ancient Egyptian coffins provided a shell to protect the deceased both magically and physically. They guaranteed an important requirement for eternal life: an intact body. Not everybody could afford richly decorated wooden coffins. As commodities,…

Engraved Gems

From antiquity to the present

Edited by Ben van den Bercken & Vivian Baan | 2017

Many are no larger than a fingertip. They are engraved with symbols, magic spells and images of gods, animals and emperors. These stones were used for various purposes. The earliest ones served as seals for…

Fragmenting the Chieftain

A practice-based study of Early Iron Age Hallstatt C elite burials in the Low Countries

Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2017

There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800–500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these…

Fragmenting the Chieftain – Catalogue

Late Bronze and Early Iron Age elite burials in the Low Countries

Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2017

There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800–500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these…

The Canino Connections

The history and restoration of ancient Greek vases from the excavations of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino (1775-1840)

Edited by Ruurd Binnert Halbertsma | 2017

Starting in the year 1828, Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, unearthed more than 2000 Greek vases on his estate near the ancient Etruscan town of Vulci. The vases were restored and found their way to…

Nineveh, the Great City

Symbol of Beauty and Power

Edited by Lucas P. Petit, & Daniele Morandi Bonacossi | 2017

‘Well, as for Nineveh, skipper, it was wiped out long ago. There’s not a trace of it left, and one can’t even guess where it was’ (Lucian, 2nd century AD). Nineveh, the once-flourishing capital of…

Roman Pottery in the Low Countries

Past Research, Current State, Future Directions

Edited by Roderick C.A. Geerts & Philip Bes | Forthcoming

This edited volume was written on the occasion of the 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores (, which was held in September 2024 in Leiden, and offers a status quaestionis of Roman pottery…

Search results for PALMA:

The Coffins of the Priests of Amun

Egyptian coffins from the 21st Dynasty in the collection of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden

Edited by Lara Weiss | 2017

Ancient Egyptian coffins provided a shell to protect the deceased both magically and physically. They guaranteed an important requirement for eternal life: an intact body. Not everybody could afford richly decorated wooden coffins. As commodities,…

Engraved Gems

From antiquity to the present

Edited by Ben van den Bercken & Vivian Baan | 2017

Many are no larger than a fingertip. They are engraved with symbols, magic spells and images of gods, animals and emperors. These stones were used for various purposes. The earliest ones served as seals for…

Fragmenting the Chieftain

A practice-based study of Early Iron Age Hallstatt C elite burials in the Low Countries

Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2017

There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800–500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these…

Fragmenting the Chieftain – Catalogue

Late Bronze and Early Iron Age elite burials in the Low Countries

Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2017

There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800–500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these…

The Canino Connections

The history and restoration of ancient Greek vases from the excavations of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino (1775-1840)

Edited by Ruurd Binnert Halbertsma | 2017

Starting in the year 1828, Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, unearthed more than 2000 Greek vases on his estate near the ancient Etruscan town of Vulci. The vases were restored and found their way to…

Nineveh, the Great City

Symbol of Beauty and Power

Edited by Lucas P. Petit, & Daniele Morandi Bonacossi | 2017

‘Well, as for Nineveh, skipper, it was wiped out long ago. There’s not a trace of it left, and one can’t even guess where it was’ (Lucian, 2nd century AD). Nineveh, the once-flourishing capital of…

Roman Pottery in the Low Countries

Past Research, Current State, Future Directions

Edited by Roderick C.A. Geerts & Philip Bes | Forthcoming

This edited volume was written on the occasion of the 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores (, which was held in September 2024 in Leiden, and offers a status quaestionis of Roman pottery…

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