God op Aarde. Keizer Domitianus
Nathalie de Haan & Eric M. Moormann | 2021
Vijftien jaar was Domitianus als keizer van Rome aan de macht (81-96). Na de onverwachte dood van zijn oudere broer Titus, die slechts twee jaar regeerde, was hij de logische troonopvolger. Domitianus zette op veel…

Apollonia on my Mind
The memoir of a paraplegic ocean scientist
Nicholas C. Flemming | 2021
The ocean conceals secrets, ancient, modern, and future. Nic Flemming’s memoir recounts the life of a pioneer in ocean science. Each chapter describes a thread that structured his work: underwater cities, submerged Ice Age caverns…

Settling with the norm?
Norm and variation in social groups and their material manifestations in (Roman) Iron Age (800 BC–AD 300) settlement sites of the northern Netherlands
Karen M. de Vries | 2021
When studying later prehistoric societies, it is evident that shared practices, as well as variations, exist in the settlement record. Traditionally, the emphasis has mainly been on the elements shared on large scales, the widely…

Labouring with large stones
A study into the investment and impact of construction projects on Mycenaean communities in Late Bronze Age Greece
Yannick Boswinkel | 2021
This book explores the cost, expressed in labour, of constructing fortifications during the Late Bronze Age in Greece (ca. 1600 – 1050 BCE). The underlying question for this study is whether the cost of large…

Vernetzte Bilder
Münzen als Kommunikationsmittel im Kontext der Dynamik der Macht im westlichen Mittelmeerraum, ca. 500-100 v. Chr.
Ulrike M. Wolf | 2021
Welche Bedeutung griechische Münzbilder in der Antike hatten, ist in der Forschung vielfach hinterfragt und äußerst divergent beantwortet worden. Selten sind Münzen und deren Bildmotive zeitlich und regional übergreifend untersucht worden, denn meist stehen ikonografische…

God on Earth: Emperor Domitian
The re-invention of Rome at the end of the 1st century AD
Edited by Aurora Raimondi Cominesi, Nathalie de Haan, Eric M. Moormann & Claire Stocks | 2021
In life, the emperor Domitian (81-96 CE) marketed himself as a god; after his assassination he was condemned to be forgotten. Nonetheless he oversaw a literary, cultural, and monumental revival on a scale not witnessed…

Goddesses of Akragas
A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily
Gerrie van Rooijen | 2021
The terracotta figurines from Akragas (Agrigento) with their chubby faces, splendid furniture, and rich adornments, depict a prosperous life in the late sixth and early fifth century BCE. The extensive jewellery on the figurines contains…

Search results for cat-classical-roman-world
God op Aarde. Keizer Domitianus
Nathalie de Haan & Eric M. Moormann | 2021
Vijftien jaar was Domitianus als keizer van Rome aan de macht (81-96). Na de onverwachte dood van zijn oudere broer Titus, die slechts twee jaar regeerde, was hij de logische troonopvolger. Domitianus zette op veel…

Apollonia on my Mind
The memoir of a paraplegic ocean scientist
Nicholas C. Flemming | 2021
The ocean conceals secrets, ancient, modern, and future. Nic Flemming’s memoir recounts the life of a pioneer in ocean science. Each chapter describes a thread that structured his work: underwater cities, submerged Ice Age caverns…

Settling with the norm?
Norm and variation in social groups and their material manifestations in (Roman) Iron Age (800 BC–AD 300) settlement sites of the northern Netherlands
Karen M. de Vries | 2021
When studying later prehistoric societies, it is evident that shared practices, as well as variations, exist in the settlement record. Traditionally, the emphasis has mainly been on the elements shared on large scales, the widely…

Labouring with large stones
A study into the investment and impact of construction projects on Mycenaean communities in Late Bronze Age Greece
Yannick Boswinkel | 2021
This book explores the cost, expressed in labour, of constructing fortifications during the Late Bronze Age in Greece (ca. 1600 – 1050 BCE). The underlying question for this study is whether the cost of large…

Vernetzte Bilder
Münzen als Kommunikationsmittel im Kontext der Dynamik der Macht im westlichen Mittelmeerraum, ca. 500-100 v. Chr.
Ulrike M. Wolf | 2021
Welche Bedeutung griechische Münzbilder in der Antike hatten, ist in der Forschung vielfach hinterfragt und äußerst divergent beantwortet worden. Selten sind Münzen und deren Bildmotive zeitlich und regional übergreifend untersucht worden, denn meist stehen ikonografische…

God on Earth: Emperor Domitian
The re-invention of Rome at the end of the 1st century AD
Edited by Aurora Raimondi Cominesi, Nathalie de Haan, Eric M. Moormann & Claire Stocks | 2021
In life, the emperor Domitian (81-96 CE) marketed himself as a god; after his assassination he was condemned to be forgotten. Nonetheless he oversaw a literary, cultural, and monumental revival on a scale not witnessed…

Goddesses of Akragas
A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily
Gerrie van Rooijen | 2021
The terracotta figurines from Akragas (Agrigento) with their chubby faces, splendid furniture, and rich adornments, depict a prosperous life in the late sixth and early fifth century BCE. The extensive jewellery on the figurines contains…

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