Similar but Different

Bell Beakers in Europe

Edited by Janusz Czebreszuk | 2014

The book “Similar but Different. Bell Beakers in Europe” deals with a cultural phenomenon, known as the Bell Beaker culture, that during the 3rd millennium B.C. was present throughout Western and Central Europe. This development…


IJkpunt in de archeologie

Piet Kooi & Kirsten van der Ploeg | 2014

Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland heeft zich in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw tot een geheel eigen tak van wetenschap ontwikkeld. Belangrijke speler in dat vakgebied was het Biologisch-Archeologisch Instituut onder leiding van…

Persistent Traditions

A long-term perspective on communities in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine Area (5500-2500 cal BC)

Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2013

The adoption of agriculture is one of the major developments in human history. Archaeological studies have demonstrated that the trajectories of Neolithisation in Northwest Europe were diverse. This book presents a study into the archaeology…

Appendices: Persistent Traditions

A long-term perspective on communities in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine Area (5500-2500 cal BC)

Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2013

The adoption of agriculture is one of the major developments in human history. Archaeological studies have demonstrated that the trajectories of Neolithisation in Northwest Europe were diverse. This book presents a study into the archaeology…

Ancestral Heaths

Reconstructing the Barrow Landscape in the Central and Southern Netherlands

Marieke Doorenbosch | 2013

Barrows, i.e. burial mounds, are amongst the most important of Europe’s prehistoric monuments. Across the continent, barrows still figure as prominent elements in the landscape. Many of these mounds have been excavated, revealing much about…

Salt in Prehistoric Europe

Anthony Harding | 2013

Salt was a commodity of great importance in the ancient past, just as it is today. Its roles in promoting human health and in making food more palatable are well-known; in peasant societies it also…


A neolithic settlement on the Dutch North Sea coast c. 3500 CAL BC

Edited by Leendert P. Louwe Kooijmans & Peter F.B. Jongste | 2013

The Schipluiden site is a unique document for a crucial phase in the neolithisation process of the Lower Rhine Area. The rescue excavation profited from available funding for a full recovery of the site by…

Search results for cat-prehistory:

Similar but Different

Bell Beakers in Europe

Edited by Janusz Czebreszuk | 2014

The book “Similar but Different. Bell Beakers in Europe” deals with a cultural phenomenon, known as the Bell Beaker culture, that during the 3rd millennium B.C. was present throughout Western and Central Europe. This development…


IJkpunt in de archeologie

Piet Kooi & Kirsten van der Ploeg | 2014

Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland heeft zich in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw tot een geheel eigen tak van wetenschap ontwikkeld. Belangrijke speler in dat vakgebied was het Biologisch-Archeologisch Instituut onder leiding van…

Persistent Traditions

A long-term perspective on communities in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine Area (5500-2500 cal BC)

Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2013

The adoption of agriculture is one of the major developments in human history. Archaeological studies have demonstrated that the trajectories of Neolithisation in Northwest Europe were diverse. This book presents a study into the archaeology…

Appendices: Persistent Traditions

A long-term perspective on communities in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine Area (5500-2500 cal BC)

Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2013

The adoption of agriculture is one of the major developments in human history. Archaeological studies have demonstrated that the trajectories of Neolithisation in Northwest Europe were diverse. This book presents a study into the archaeology…

Ancestral Heaths

Reconstructing the Barrow Landscape in the Central and Southern Netherlands

Marieke Doorenbosch | 2013

Barrows, i.e. burial mounds, are amongst the most important of Europe’s prehistoric monuments. Across the continent, barrows still figure as prominent elements in the landscape. Many of these mounds have been excavated, revealing much about…

Salt in Prehistoric Europe

Anthony Harding | 2013

Salt was a commodity of great importance in the ancient past, just as it is today. Its roles in promoting human health and in making food more palatable are well-known; in peasant societies it also…


A neolithic settlement on the Dutch North Sea coast c. 3500 CAL BC

Edited by Leendert P. Louwe Kooijmans & Peter F.B. Jongste | 2013

The Schipluiden site is a unique document for a crucial phase in the neolithisation process of the Lower Rhine Area. The rescue excavation profited from available funding for a full recovery of the site by…

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