Archaeology of Salt

Approaching an invisible past

Edited by Robin Brigand & Olivier Weller | 2015

Salt is an invisible object for research in archaeology. However, ancient writings, ethnographic studies and the evidence of archaeological exploitation highlight it as an essential reference for humanity. Both an edible product and a crucial…

Am Rande des Grabs

Todeskonzepte und Bestattungsritual in der frühmittelalterlichen Alamannia

Barbara Hausmair | 2015

Alle Kulturen lösen dieses Urproblem [den Tod] der menschlichen Existenz auf ihre Weise, und es gibt gewiß keine Kultur, die sich nicht als Lösung dieses Problems verstehen und auf diese Kernfrage hin analysieren ließe. (Jan…

Egyptian Bioarchaeology

Humans, Animals, and the Environment

Edited by Salima Ikram, Jessica Kaiser & Roxie Walker | 2015

Although the bioarchaeology (study of biological remains in an archaeological context) of Egypt has been documented in a desultory way for many decades, it is only recently that it has become an inherent part of…

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45

Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2015

This volume is a collection of papers written by staff members of the Faculty of Archaeology and presents a good overview in time and space of the kind of research the Institute in Leiden is…

Archéologie Caraïbe

Edited by Benoît Bérard & Catherine Losier | 2014

La notion d’« espace » est un concept clé de la disciple archéologique. Les vestiges mobiliers ou immobiliers trouvés en fouille sont les reflets matériels des aspects politiques, sociaux, économiques et culturels des populations étudiées.…

‘Vergeten’ Bandkeramiek

Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland

Edited by Ivo van Wijk, Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz & Piet van de Velde | 2014

Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de eerste vondsten in 1925 werken amateur- en beroepsarcheologen er aan om onze kennis…

The Voyages of Adriaan van Berkel to Guiana

Amerindian-Dutch Relationships in 17th-Century Guyana

Edited by Martijn van den Bel, Lodewijk Hulsman & Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2014

This book is a reissue of the travelogue of Adriaan van Berkel, first published in 1695 by Johan ten Hoorn in Amsterdam. The first part deals with Van Berkel’s adventures in the Dutch colony located…

Archaeology of Salt

Approaching an invisible past

Edited by Robin Brigand & Olivier Weller | 2015

Salt is an invisible object for research in archaeology. However, ancient writings, ethnographic studies and the evidence of archaeological exploitation highlight it as an essential reference for humanity. Both an edible product and a crucial…

Am Rande des Grabs

Todeskonzepte und Bestattungsritual in der frühmittelalterlichen Alamannia

Barbara Hausmair | 2015

Alle Kulturen lösen dieses Urproblem [den Tod] der menschlichen Existenz auf ihre Weise, und es gibt gewiß keine Kultur, die sich nicht als Lösung dieses Problems verstehen und auf diese Kernfrage hin analysieren ließe. (Jan…

Egyptian Bioarchaeology

Humans, Animals, and the Environment

Edited by Salima Ikram, Jessica Kaiser & Roxie Walker | 2015

Although the bioarchaeology (study of biological remains in an archaeological context) of Egypt has been documented in a desultory way for many decades, it is only recently that it has become an inherent part of…

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45

Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2015

This volume is a collection of papers written by staff members of the Faculty of Archaeology and presents a good overview in time and space of the kind of research the Institute in Leiden is…

Archéologie Caraïbe

Edited by Benoît Bérard & Catherine Losier | 2014

La notion d’« espace » est un concept clé de la disciple archéologique. Les vestiges mobiliers ou immobiliers trouvés en fouille sont les reflets matériels des aspects politiques, sociaux, économiques et culturels des populations étudiées.…

‘Vergeten’ Bandkeramiek

Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland

Edited by Ivo van Wijk, Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz & Piet van de Velde | 2014

Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de eerste vondsten in 1925 werken amateur- en beroepsarcheologen er aan om onze kennis…

The Voyages of Adriaan van Berkel to Guiana

Amerindian-Dutch Relationships in 17th-Century Guyana

Edited by Martijn van den Bel, Lodewijk Hulsman & Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2014

This book is a reissue of the travelogue of Adriaan van Berkel, first published in 1695 by Johan ten Hoorn in Amsterdam. The first part deals with Van Berkel’s adventures in the Dutch colony located…

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