Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia

The APL (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia) is published once a year and showcases the increasingly diversity of research conducted at the Faculty of Archaeology. The APL currently forms a showcase for the faculty as a whole in which all employees can publish their research. By alternatingly publishing monographs and thematic issues, the editors’ aim is to present the unique regional multiplicity and substantive diversity of the faculty’s archaeological research.

Lapidem Foundation

The Lapidem foundation is a non-profit organisation whose scope is cultural heritage in it’s broadest sense, both in it’s hidden form (archaeology) as well in the shape of extant monumental buildings and landscapes. Starting summer 2012 Sidestone Press and Lapidem will be publishing partners for at least two separate book series focussing on heritage.

National Museum of Ethnology

The “Museum Volkenkunde” in Leiden is the Dutch National Museum of Ethnology. It has managed and displayed the national collection of ethnographic material from the early nineteenth century onward. The permanent exhibition contains objects and audiovisual material from all over the world.

Delftse Archeologische Rapporten

Archeologie Delft, onderdeel van Erfgoed Delft, is verantwoordelijk voor een groot deel van het archeologisch onderzoek dat wordt uitgevoerd in Delft en de omliggende gemeenten. In samenwerking met Archeologie Delft geeft Sidestone Press de reeks Delftse Archeologische Rapporten (DAR) uit.

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia

The APL (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia) is published once a year and showcases the increasingly diversity of research conducted at the Faculty of Archaeology. The APL currently forms a showcase for the faculty as a whole in which all employees can publish their research. By alternatingly publishing monographs and thematic issues, the editors’ aim is to present the unique regional multiplicity and substantive diversity of the faculty’s archaeological research.

Lapidem Foundation

The Lapidem foundation is a non-profit organisation whose scope is cultural heritage in it’s broadest sense, both in it’s hidden form (archaeology) as well in the shape of extant monumental buildings and landscapes. Starting summer 2012 Sidestone Press and Lapidem will be publishing partners for at least two separate book series focussing on heritage.

National Museum of Ethnology

The “Museum Volkenkunde” in Leiden is the Dutch National Museum of Ethnology. It has managed and displayed the national collection of ethnographic material from the early nineteenth century onward. The permanent exhibition contains objects and audiovisual material from all over the world.

Delftse Archeologische Rapporten

Archeologie Delft, onderdeel van Erfgoed Delft, is verantwoordelijk voor een groot deel van het archeologisch onderzoek dat wordt uitgevoerd in Delft en de omliggende gemeenten. In samenwerking met Archeologie Delft geeft Sidestone Press de reeks Delftse Archeologische Rapporten (DAR) uit.