“Better Than We”

Landscapes and materialities of race, class, and gender in pre-emancipation Saba, Dutch Caribbean

Ryan Espersen | 2024

This study aims to understand the materiality of Saba’s ideological landscape during its pre-emancipation colonial period. This is accomplished by understanding the dialectics, or inseparable relationships, between Saba’s geography, locally-situated ideologies of class, race, and…

Caribbean Figure Pendants: Style and Subject Matter

Anthropomorphic figure pendants of the late Ceramic Age in the Greater Antilles

Vernon James Knight | 2020

This work synthesizes art-historical and anthropological methods in the analysis of a large corpus of indigenous figure pendants, commonly called “amulets,” from the Greater Antilles and Bahamas. Figure pendants, ubiquitous in Caribbean collections, are small…

Islands of Salt

Historical Archaeology of Seafarers and Things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624–1880

Konrad A. Antczak | 2019

The early-modern Venezuelan Caribbean did not lure seafarers with the saccharine delights of cane sugar but with the preserving qualities of solar sea salt. In this book, the historical archaeological study of this salty commodity…

Pre-Colonial and Post-Contact Archaeology in Barbados

Past, Present, and Future Research Directions

Edited by Maaike S. de Waal, Niall Finneran, Matthew C. Reilly, Douglas V. Armstrong & Kevin Farmer | 2019

This volume provides one of the most comprehensive overviews of the archaeology of a single Caribbean island yet published. Drawing together scholars from the Caribbean, north America and Europe, all working from a range of…

Approvisionner Cayenne sous l’Ancien Régime

Archéologie et histoire des réseaux commerciaux

Catherine Losier | 2016

Cet ouvrage documente le réseau commercial de la Guyane de l’Ancien Régime par l’analyse du mobilier archéologique issu des fouilles de six habitations guyanaises, de même que par l’exploitation des archives de la correspondance officielle…

Managing our past into the future

Archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean

Edited by Corinne L. Hofman & Jay B. Haviser | 2015

Caribbean archaeological heritage is threatened by natural impacts but also increasingly by economic developments, often resulting from the tourist industry. The continuous construction of specific projects for tourists, accompanied by illegal practices such as looting…

Archéologie Caraïbe

Edited by Benoît Bérard & Catherine Losier | 2014

La notion d’« espace » est un concept clé de la disciple archéologique. Les vestiges mobiliers ou immobiliers trouvés en fouille sont les reflets matériels des aspects politiques, sociaux, économiques et culturels des populations étudiées.…

Search results for Taboui:

“Better Than We”

Landscapes and materialities of race, class, and gender in pre-emancipation Saba, Dutch Caribbean

Ryan Espersen | 2024

This study aims to understand the materiality of Saba’s ideological landscape during its pre-emancipation colonial period. This is accomplished by understanding the dialectics, or inseparable relationships, between Saba’s geography, locally-situated ideologies of class, race, and…

Caribbean Figure Pendants: Style and Subject Matter

Anthropomorphic figure pendants of the late Ceramic Age in the Greater Antilles

Vernon James Knight | 2020

This work synthesizes art-historical and anthropological methods in the analysis of a large corpus of indigenous figure pendants, commonly called “amulets,” from the Greater Antilles and Bahamas. Figure pendants, ubiquitous in Caribbean collections, are small…

Islands of Salt

Historical Archaeology of Seafarers and Things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624–1880

Konrad A. Antczak | 2019

The early-modern Venezuelan Caribbean did not lure seafarers with the saccharine delights of cane sugar but with the preserving qualities of solar sea salt. In this book, the historical archaeological study of this salty commodity…

Pre-Colonial and Post-Contact Archaeology in Barbados

Past, Present, and Future Research Directions

Edited by Maaike S. de Waal, Niall Finneran, Matthew C. Reilly, Douglas V. Armstrong & Kevin Farmer | 2019

This volume provides one of the most comprehensive overviews of the archaeology of a single Caribbean island yet published. Drawing together scholars from the Caribbean, north America and Europe, all working from a range of…

Approvisionner Cayenne sous l’Ancien Régime

Archéologie et histoire des réseaux commerciaux

Catherine Losier | 2016

Cet ouvrage documente le réseau commercial de la Guyane de l’Ancien Régime par l’analyse du mobilier archéologique issu des fouilles de six habitations guyanaises, de même que par l’exploitation des archives de la correspondance officielle…

Managing our past into the future

Archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean

Edited by Corinne L. Hofman & Jay B. Haviser | 2015

Caribbean archaeological heritage is threatened by natural impacts but also increasingly by economic developments, often resulting from the tourist industry. The continuous construction of specific projects for tourists, accompanied by illegal practices such as looting…

Archéologie Caraïbe

Edited by Benoît Bérard & Catherine Losier | 2014

La notion d’« espace » est un concept clé de la disciple archéologique. Les vestiges mobiliers ou immobiliers trouvés en fouille sont les reflets matériels des aspects politiques, sociaux, économiques et culturels des populations étudiées.…

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