Cremation in the Early Middle Ages
Death, fire and identity in North-West Europe
Edited by Howard Williams & Femke Lippok | 2024
Cremation in the Early Middle Ages draws together the latest research and thinking on early medieval cremation practices. The book takes you on a journey through 19 chapters exploring cremation practices from the fifth to…

Figurine-making in the Neolithic Aegean
Edited by Stratos Nanoglou and Fanis Mavridis | 2024
This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos Hourmouziadis’ Ph.D. thesis…

Identity, Power and Group Formation in Archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC)
Christos Giamakis | 2024
The first ever large-scale synthesis on identity and social dynamics across archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC), Christos Giamakis’s book provides a detailed narrative exploring the role of power as displayed through material culture in the formation…

Chariots on fire, reins of power
Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context
Edited by Nico Roymans, Liesbeth Theunissen, Louis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2024
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and…

Archäologie zu Seeufersiedlungen, Eisfunden und Klimawandel
Edited by Caroline Heitz, Regine Stapfer & Martin Hinz | 2024
Die Festschrift «Aufgetau(ch)t – Archäologie zu Seeufersiedlungen, Eisfunden und Klimawandel» würdigt die wissenschaftlichen Verdienste von Prof. Dr. Albert Hafner (Universität Bern) im Bereich der Prähistorischen Archäologie und insbesondere der Feuchtboden- und Gletscherarchäologie anlässlich seines 65.…

Cyprus and Ugarit
Connecting Material and Mercantile Worlds
A. Bernard Knapp | 2024
This study considers the detailed archaeological and documentary records of Cyprus and Ugarit (Syria) to gain new insights into the long-term relations between two of the best known, well-connected polities in the Late Bronze Age…

The Archaeology of the ‘Margins’
Studies on Ancient West Asia in Honour of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans
Edited by Bleda S. Düring and Jo-Hannah Plug | 2024
This book is a tribute to the remarkable achievements of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans in the archaeology of West Asia. A focus on previously overlooked periods and regions has been the hallmark of his work. Instead…

Search results for chasing. Free browsing in the e-library
Cremation in the Early Middle Ages
Death, fire and identity in North-West Europe
Edited by Howard Williams & Femke Lippok | 2024
Cremation in the Early Middle Ages draws together the latest research and thinking on early medieval cremation practices. The book takes you on a journey through 19 chapters exploring cremation practices from the fifth to…

Figurine-making in the Neolithic Aegean
Edited by Stratos Nanoglou and Fanis Mavridis | 2024
This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos Hourmouziadis’ Ph.D. thesis…

Identity, Power and Group Formation in Archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC)
Christos Giamakis | 2024
The first ever large-scale synthesis on identity and social dynamics across archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC), Christos Giamakis’s book provides a detailed narrative exploring the role of power as displayed through material culture in the formation…

Chariots on fire, reins of power
Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context
Edited by Nico Roymans, Liesbeth Theunissen, Louis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2024
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and…

Archäologie zu Seeufersiedlungen, Eisfunden und Klimawandel
Edited by Caroline Heitz, Regine Stapfer & Martin Hinz | 2024
Die Festschrift «Aufgetau(ch)t – Archäologie zu Seeufersiedlungen, Eisfunden und Klimawandel» würdigt die wissenschaftlichen Verdienste von Prof. Dr. Albert Hafner (Universität Bern) im Bereich der Prähistorischen Archäologie und insbesondere der Feuchtboden- und Gletscherarchäologie anlässlich seines 65.…

Cyprus and Ugarit
Connecting Material and Mercantile Worlds
A. Bernard Knapp | 2024
This study considers the detailed archaeological and documentary records of Cyprus and Ugarit (Syria) to gain new insights into the long-term relations between two of the best known, well-connected polities in the Late Bronze Age…

The Archaeology of the ‘Margins’
Studies on Ancient West Asia in Honour of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans
Edited by Bleda S. Düring and Jo-Hannah Plug | 2024
This book is a tribute to the remarkable achievements of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans in the archaeology of West Asia. A focus on previously overlooked periods and regions has been the hallmark of his work. Instead…

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