Dr. Jens Schneeweiß
Jens Schneeweiß (Dr. phil., Humboldt University Berlin, 2004) is a scientist at the Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University and the LEIZA (Leibniz Centre for Archaeology), Department of Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology in Schleswig, Germany. He is deputy speaker of the sub-cluster ROOTS of Conflict of the Cluster of Excellence “ROOTS – Social, Environmental, and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies” in Kiel. As an associate professor of prehistory and early history, he teaches at the Georg August University in Göttingen, Germany.
In his research activities as an archaeologist trained in the natural sciences and humanities, he combines active fieldwork with scientific analysis and evaluation. For over two decades, an important focus of his research has been landscape archaeology and archaeology of rural settlements of early history and the Middle Ages in the wider eastern Baltic region. A further field of research focuses on the Bronze and Iron Ages in Siberia. Working with international teams, he tackles cross-border issues, both in geographical and technical terms, because archaeological research is considered to be originally interdisciplinary. Furthermore, he is engaged in the dialogue between Western and Eastern European scientific cultures.
Key publications:
- Schneeweiss, J., 2022. The development of strongholds in a highly dynamic river landscape – the early medieval Höhbeck case on the Elbe river. In: K. Ilves, T. Ibsen, B. Maixner, S. Messal, J. Schneeweiß (eds.), Fortifications in their Natural and Cultural Landscape: From Organising Space to the Creation of Power. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 231-248.
- Schneeweiss, J., 2022. The Dimensions of Refuse: Discard Studies as a Matter of Connectivity. In: J. Müller et al., eds. Connectivity matters! ROOTS Studies 2. Leiden: Sidestone Press, 165-185.
- Schneeweiß, J., 2020. Zwischen den Welten. Archäologie einer europäischen Grenzregion zwischen Sachsen, Slawen, Franken und Dänen. Göttinger Schriften zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 36. Hamburg, Kiel: Wachholtz Verlag.
- Schneeweiss, J. 2018. How historical dates can affect archaeological research (the Viking Age examples of 793 AD, 862 AD and 929 AD) / Как исторические даты могут влиять на археологическое исследование (три ключевые даты эпохи викингов: 793 г., 862 г. и 929 г.) In: M. T. Kashuba and E. Kaiser, eds. Principles and Methods of Dating in Archaeology (Neolithic – Middle Ages). St. Petersburg: Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS, 206-232.
- Becker, F. and Schneeweiß, J., 2016. Zur absoluten Chronologie der westsibirischen Spätbronze- und frühen Eisenzeit. Die Überprüfung der Besiedlungsphasen in Čiča mit Bayes’scher Statistik. Prähistorische Zeitschrift, 91 (2), 431-470.
- Wiedner, K., Schneeweiss, J., Dippold, M., Birk, J., Glaser, B., 2015. Anthropogenic Dark Earth in Northern Germany – The Nordic Analogue to terra preta de Índio in Amazonia? Catena Special Issue: Man versus Nature: natural and anthropogenic footprints recorded in soils. Catena, 132, 114-125.
- Schneeweiß, J., 2007. Die Siedlung Čiča in der westsibirischen Waldsteppe I. Untersuchungen zur Keramik, Chronologie und kulturellen Stellung in der Spätbronzezeit und der Übergangsperiode zur frühen Eisenzeit. Archäologie in Eurasien 22. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
- Schneeweiß, J., 2003. Der Werder zwischen Altentreptow-Friedland-Neubrandenburg vom 6. Jh. vor bis zum 13. Jh. n. Chr. Siedlungsarchäologische Untersuchungen einer Kleinlandschaft in Nordostdeutschland. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 102. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt Verlag.
Books by Jens Schneeweiß
Stories of Waste and Value
Roots of a Circular Economy
Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024
Growing mountains of waste, decreasing resources and global environmental pollution confront us today with challenges of unprecedented dimensions. Against this background, interest in sustainable and resource-saving concepts is increasing; it is not uncommon to fall…

Wertvolle Abfallgeschichten
Wurzeln der Kreislaufwirtschaft
Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024
Wachsende Abfallberge, schwindende Ressourcen und globale Umweltverschmutzung stellen uns heute vor Herausforderungen ungekannten Ausmaßes. Vor diesem Hintergrund steigt das Interesse an nachhaltigen und ressourcenschonenden Konzepten; nicht selten ist dabei der Rückgriff auf (vermeintlich) tradierte Herangehensweisen…