Dr. Astrid J. Nyland

Astrid J. Nyland is Associate Professor at the Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger, Norway. In her research she explores aspects of life in the Mesolithic and Neolithic, like how societies handled crisis, how one expressed or anchored social affinity through lithics and lithic raw materials, and ways of past (and present) knowledge transmission and storytelling. Nyland also has a background in field archaeology and is the administrative project coordinator for the archaeological excavations at her museum.

Books by Astrid J. Nyland

Migration Narratives in Archaeology

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023

Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…

Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023

Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…

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