Drs. Jørn Zeiler

Jørn Zeiler (1955) studied biology in Groningen. He graduated in 1997 on a study of hunting and animal husbandry in the Netherlands during the Neolithic. He was a research fellow at the Biological-Archaeological Institute (the present Groningen Institute of Archaeology) in Groningen from 1984 until 1992, when he set up his own research bureau ArchaeoBone, in which he has since been working as a free-lance archaeozoologist.
Books by Jørn Zeiler
Barely Surviving or More than Enough?
The environmental archaeology of subsistence, specialisation and surplus food production
Edited by Maaike Groot, Daphne Lentjes & Jørn Zeiler | 2013
How people produced or acquired their food in the past is one of the main questions in archaeology. Everyone needs food to survive, so the ways in which people managed to acquire it forms the…