Stanislav Ţerna†
Stanislav Țerna was a researcher at the “High Anthropological School” University, and previously at the Center for Archaeology, Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences, in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. His area of research interest was the Copper Age of the north-west Black Sea region, focusing mainly on the settlement structure, anthropomorphic figurines, architecture and social organisation of the Cucuteni-Trypillia societies. He conducted excavations on LBK and Trypillia settlements in Moldova, of which the most important are those at Stolniceni I and Nicolaevca. He died in 2020, at the time when he was undertaking a PhD at the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel University, within the CRC 1266 subproject “Population agglomeration at Tripolye-Cucuteni mega-sites”.
Relevant publications:- Țerna S., 2021, How can we investigate the socio-economic structure of the Cucuteni-Tripolye mega-sites? Houses as snapshots and pits as durable narrative, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 51, 37-60.
- Țerna S., Vasilache M. 2019. Figurinele antropomorfe din etapa Cucuteni A din interfluviul Pruto-Nistrean / Anthropomorphic figurines from Cucuteni A stage from the Prut-Dniester interfluve. Biblioteca Tyragetia XXXI. Chișinău: Bons Offices.
- Țerna S., Rassmann K., Vornicu-Țerna A., Müller J. 2019. The evolution of dual-chambered updraught kilns on the Cucuteni-Tripolye mega-sites in the 4th millennium BC: a view from Stolniceni. Godišnjak Centra za balkanološka ispitivanja ANUBiH 48, 27-43.
- Țerna S., Vornicu-Țerna A., Hofmann R., Dal Corso M., Shatilo L., Vasilache-Curoșu M., Rud V., Knapp H., Kirleis W., Rassmann K., Müller J. 2019. Stolniceni – excavation results from the 2017 campaign. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology 21, 209-281.
- Țerna S., Govedarica B. (eds.). 2016. Interactions, Changes and Meanings. Essays in honour of Igor Manzura on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Chișinău.
- Ursu C.-E., Țerna S. (eds.). 2014. Anthropomorphism and symbolic behaviour in the Neolithic and Copper Age communities of South-Eastern Europe. SEEP I (eds. Constantin-Emil Ursu and Stanislav Țerna). Suceava: Ed. Karl A. Romstorfer.
Books by Stanislav Ţerna†
From Ros to Prut (volume 1)
Transformations of Trypillia settlements
Edited by Robert Hofmann, Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Vitalii Rud, Stanislav Ţerna†, Mykhailo Videiko | Forthcoming
Pre-dating the urban revolution in Western Asia, a network of agricultural settlements developed in the forest-steppe zone northwest of the Black Sea in the late 5th and first half of the 4th millennium BCE, some…

From Ros to Prut (volume 2)
Transformations of Trypillia settlements
Edited by Robert Hofmann, Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Vitalii Rud, Stanislav Ţerna†, Mykhailo Videiko | Forthcoming
Pre-dating the urban revolution in Western Asia, a network of agricultural settlements developed in the forest-steppe zone northwest of the Black Sea in the late 5th and first half of the 4th millennium BCE, some…