Dr. Mikael Rothstein

Mikael Rothstein is Associate Professor of comparative religion at the University of Southern Denmark. He also holds the title of Visiting Professor at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania and Research Professor at Museum Lolland-Falster. His research primarily deals with issues of new religions, religion in the Hellenistic-Roman ages, religion among hunter-gatherers and other indigenous peoples, and religion in the Mesolithic and Neolithic.
Mikael studied comparative religion at the university of Copenhagen, where he also finished his PhD in 1993. After many years as tenured there, he became Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark in 2013.
Key publications
- O’Meara, C., Burenhult, N., Rothstein, M., Sercombe, P. 2018. Representing space and place: hunter-gatherer perspectives. Hunter Gatherer Research 4/3, 287-309. DOI: 10.3828/hgr.2018.19
- O’Meara, C., Burenhult, N., Rothstein, M., Sercombe, P. (eds.) 2018. Special issue: Hunter Gatherer Representations of Space and Place. Hunter Gatherer Research 4/3.
- Rothstein, M. 2020. Being lost: Landscape, troubling spirits and ritual strategies among the Eastern Penan. Hunter Gatherer Research 4/3, 355-368. DOI: 10.3828/hgr.2018.22
- Rothstein, M. 2020. The Decline and Resilience of Eastern Penan Monsters, in: Musharbash, Y. and Presterudstuen, G. (eds.). Monster Anthropology. Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds Through Monsters. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 75-87.
- Rothstein, M. 2018. Arkæologi, ‘etnografisk analogi’, klassisk lingvistik, deltagerobservation, Action-kamera og sattelitbaseret GPS: De nomadiske jæger-samleres relative fravær i religionshistorisk forskning. CHAOS: Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier 70, 109-120.
- Rothstein, M. 2016. Regnskovens religion. Forestillinger og ritualer blandt Borneos sidste jæger-samlere. En religionshistorisk monografi. København: U Press
- Larsson, J., Burenhult, N., Kruspe, N., Purves, R.S., Rothstein, M., Sercombe, P. 2021. Integrating behavioral and geospatial data on the timeline: towards new dimensions of analysis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24/1, 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2020.1763705
Books by Mikael Rothstein
Changing Identity in a Changing World
Current Studies on the Stone Age around 4000 BCE
Edited by Daniel Groß and Mikael Rothstein | 2023
From 2013-2022 the largest Stone Age excavation ever undertaken in Denmark, uncovered an entire fjord landscape beneath marine sediments at Rødbyhavn on the island of Lolland. Based on the excavations, Museum Lolland-Falster, in collaboration with…