Dr. Ole Grøn

Ole Grøn is a researcher at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen. He has a wide experience in the field of maritime archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and landscape archaeology. He is particularly focussed on the archaeology of Stone Age hunter-gatherers, and has conducted extensive ethnoarchaeological research among the Siberian Evenk. Next to the development of insights into hunter-gatherer lifeways, he has a keen interest in the methodological issues in the detection of hunter-gatherer settlement remains and the representation of hunter-gatherers based on the flawed archaeological record. Currently he is concerned with the development of acoustic survey methods for underwater archaeology, with an emphasis on submerged Stone Age sites.
Books by Ole Grøn
Hidden dimensions
Aspects of Mesolithic hunter-gatherer landscape use and non-lithic technology
Edited by Ole Grøn & Hans Peeters | 2022
The modelling and representation of prehistoric hunter-gatherer behaviours is largely influenced by the investigation of sites with high archaeological visibility, due to the presence of large amounts of knapped lithics, which generally survive the ravages…