Prof. Dr. Anick Coudart
Anick Coudart is Research Professor at Arizona State University, and formerly Directeur de recherche at the CNRS. She was the co-founder and long-time editor-in-chief of the professional journal Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie.
A specialist in European Neolithic, ethno-archaeology and material culture, she has co-directed during 25 years a large archaeological rescue project (from Neolithic to Iron Age) in the Aisne Valley, France. She has also developed research in Papua New-Guinea on traditional dwellings and material culture, highlighting the relationship between dwelling diversity and temporal rhythms of change.
An avid photographer, she has produced a very large documentation on traditional techniques and material culture around the world. Among her main publications : L’Archéologie de la France rurale de la préhistoire aux temps modernes (ed. 1987), Architecture et société néolithique. L’uniformité et la variance de la maison danubienne (1998), Habitat et société (ed. 1999), Archéologie et société. Construction(s) de l’archéologie (ed. 2008), “The reconstruction of the Danubian Neolithic house and the scientific importance of architectural studies” (2013), “The Bandkeramik longhouses. A Material, Social, and Mental Metaphor for Small-Scale Sedentary Societies” (2015), “Longtemps durant… le Genre ne fut pas un genre français sinon qu’il était du genre masculin… E pur si muove” (2015).
Books by Anick Coudart
European Archaeology: Identities & Migrations
Archéologie européenne: Identités & Migrations
Edited by Laurence Manolakakis, Nathan Schlanger, Anick Coudart | 2017
As it appears in diverse guises – and notably as a founding narrative – the past is at the core of every functioning human society. The idea that the past can be known through scientific…