Dr. Roy van Beek

Roy van Beek (1977) studied prehistoric archaeology at Leiden University. He worked two years with archaeological firm Archol BV. 2004-2009, Roy contucted a PhD research at Wageningen University. This research took place within a larger interdisciplinary project that was initiated together with the Dutch State Archaeological Service (RCE) in Amersfoort. Roy’s PhD research focussed on the lang-term landscape and habitation history from prehistory until medieval period in the eastern part of the Netherlands.
2009-2011, Roy was employed as researcher with the RCE. From November 2011 onward, he is occupied as researcher at Leiden University, working on his ‘Veni’-research project Deconstructing stability. Modelling changing environmental conditions and man-land relations in the Pleistocene landscape of Twente (2850 – 12 BC). He is also a guest teacher in protohistoric archaeology at Ghent University (Belgium).
Books by Roy van Beek
Reliëf in Tijd en Ruimte
Interdisciplinair onderzoek naar bewoning en landschap van Oost-Nederland tussen de vroege prehistorie en middeleeuwen
Roy van Beek | 2010
Oost-Nederland is een landschappelijk sterk gevarieerd gebied. Dit proefschrift is het verslag van een interdisciplinair onderzoek naar de lange-termijn-ontwikkelingen van landschap en bewoning van Overijssel en de Achterhoek. Archeologische bronnen vormen de leidraad. Daarnaast worden…